Study abroad is a truly wonderful life. Before I left home back in August, I remember my mom telling me about Copenhagen, describing it as an "enchanting city." I wasn't sure exactly what this would come to mean, but I think I understand now. She also told me that if I had any thoughts of not coming back home, that I should remember that they don't have Wawa in Copenhagen (a Philadelphia staple that's basically a 7 Eleven but 489302x better and that I crave whenever I'm away.)
Well, she was right. During the course of this semester, I have been completely enchanted by Denmark and by Copenhagen, and so intrigued by everything I have experienced so far. I've been waiting awhile to post this on my blog, but now it's officially official...
Wawa will have to wait, because I'll be staying in Copenhagen with DIS for spring semester!!
It was quite a big decision, and I thought about it for a long time. It had been in the back of my head for a while, then one day I mentioned it to my friend Sarah (also a full year student), who simply said, "Well why don't you just do it?!"
Once it became something I was really considering, I had a lot to think about. I absolutely love Stonehill College, and being away for another semester will be really challenging, especially since I won't be there to spend spring semester with my friends who are graduating. I actually made a pro/con list, something that I never do, and I know I will have so many amazing opportunities here, meet so many more people here with a contagious spark for life, and continue to get to know myself. A large part of it was also like, when ELSE would I have the opportunity to live in Copenhagen's Latin Quarter, study, and casually travel the world on weekends?! Maybe it also has to do with the fact that I'm awful at saying goodbye to things.. this gives me the chance to prolong my goodbye with Copenhagen a bit longer. Seriously though, I wasn't ready to leave my perfect window with a view of the yellow house, the cobblestone streets, the bikes, the candles, and maybe even Netto (our lovely local grocery.. expect an "ode to Netto" coming in a post soon..) The people are alright too I suppose.. ;) My SRA Anna is wonderful- she's been so welcoming and has become more of a friend than just an SRA. Also, getting to know my visiting family has been one of the best parts of being in Denmark, and I can't wait to spend even more time with them!
After meeting and talking with some other international students who are away from their home universities for the year. One friend and I had a decently long conversation just detailing all the ways in which the life of a study abroad student is the best life, and it made me want to experience the world like they do- with a spice for life, a sense of adventure, and fearlessness. I love the places that I've come from and that have shaped me, but I've also come to realize that I've been sheltered. Lucky as anything, but sheltered none the less. When I mentioned to someone that I was choosing to stay here for the year, they were surprised because they knew how much I love my home university. And I do, I definitely do. But my conclusion is that all the experiences in my life have lead me here and given me this opportunity, so I might as well go big, or quite literally go home. I choose going big.
If I really sit down and think about it, sometimes I still have moments where I'm like, "AH what am I doing?!" But then I remember that next semester I can fulfill my goal of getting a bike, go study at the Royal Library, take a class at Copenhagen University, travel more, and of course "Smile, breathe, and go slowly."
There really IS so much to feel good about, and I've learned that here. I'm so excited to make the most out of everything!
Again, it's only the beginning of the adventure... In more ways than one. ;)
You go, girl! Now you're talkin'!!!