This past week I was working on the first part of my project for Sociology of the Family- I want to look into parental incarceration in Denmark/how visits within prison affect the parent/child relationship. As always, Psychology of Leadership keeps me busy, but I don't mind because most of class is spent doing leadership exercises similar to those the Stonehill Orientation Team utilizes (miss you Peer Mentors!!) In the wonderful world of field studies, I got to go see a modern Danish dance performance on Thursday night with my Danish II class. It was pretty different from any dance show I've ever seen before, and the second half of the show was pretty far out there, but overall it was enjoyable! Classes are picking up for everyone especially with long study tours coming up so soon! At this time of the semester, DIS bravely sends us all out into the world with our core program for relevant academic visits but also fun cultural activities too! Personally, I am BEYOND excited to get to go to Istanbul for five days, and my roommates are equally pumped about Paris, Brussels, London, Riga, etc. Last semester my class went to Kosovo, and it was such a great experience that I can't wait to see what this semester holds.
In other abroad happenings, it's over a month into the semester- crazy how fast it's gone by! I refuse to think about the end. With all the schoolwork and cold weather, I think we all have a bit of cabin fever (and we're also mourning Rita's computer that crashed in Café Paludan on Wednesday.. RIP). I also JUST recovered from a 4am bedtime Wednesday night.. I was bartending International Night at Studenterhuset, which was so much fun-- everyone should go! But Grandma Tara wasn't quite cool enough to stay up until the bar closed and then wake up and be a functional human in her 8:30am class. Oh well, worth it. I got to spend all five hours behind the bar this time, so I'm slowly but surely becoming a pro.
TRAVEL PLANS are also in the works so we have lots to look forward to as spring is on it's way. The other day, my friend Margaret and I booked a trip to Amsterdam leaving the morning after we get back from Istanbul (8:00am flight, oh my), and Rita and I booked our flights to Iceland over travel break! We're so excited to go to the Blue Lagoon, see the Northern Lights (hopefully!), and go on a pony ride! I've heard only good things about Reykjavik (and flown through like three times) so I can't wait to explore. As it stands, we don't have a return flight, SOO we might never return. Just kidding Copenhagen, we're working on it.
Speaking of which, booking flights is one of the most stressful experiences. You sit in front of your laptop with your travel buddies double/triple checking the airline website, putting in all your payment information, and finally counting to three and pressing "Submit" at the exact same time. Dramatic? Maybe. But sometimes things go wrong, like when there is one seat left on a flight and your friend gets it before you, or the website spells the name of your state wrong (Rhodes Island) and your payment doesn't go through. Despite these little anxieties, the result, aka TRAVELING is completely worth it.
And finally, because I know pictures are fun, here are some of my good-looking housemates! (I know I've been slacking on the picture front.. I guess this is like the phenomena of parents not taking pictures of their second born child, except I just slack on taking pictures of my second semester.)

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