Saturday, February 18, 2012

Behind the Bar

Earlier this semester, I signed up to volunteer at Studenterhuset, which is basically a student cafe/bar for the University of Copenhagen.  As a volunteer, you get to attend lots of fun events, meet some really cool people, and get nice discounts on drinks/snacks.  You also get to bartend!

Last night was my first night volunteering.  Studenterhuset was hosting a pretty large event and had a bunch of DJs from all over Denmark playing music all night, so the turn out was expected to be huge.  I've never bartended before in my life, so I was pretty nervous, but it turned out to be a lot of fun!  I poured some beers (tilt glass, get perfect amount of foam), made some mixed drinks, and got to socialize with some mildly inebriated individuals.  Some friends stopped by too!  The hardest part was working the cash register.

Considering that bartending is probably how I'll be financing graduate school and replenishing funds from an entire year galavanting around Europe, this looks like it'll be great practice for being a pro-pourer!  :)

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