Saturday, August 20, 2011

Made it!

Yay, made it to Copenhagen!

We left the house in Pennsylvania super early Friday morning to drive back to Boston.  Since the flight wasn't until 9:30pm, I got a chance to stop by Stonehill and say a few more goodbyes (you know how I love those...)  I even got to make a celebrity appearance on a campus tour lead by the one and only PaulAtaide!  After that, it was off to the airport.  Boston traffic was crazy as always, but we made it with plenty of time to spare, AND my luggage wasn't overweight!!  Huge victory.

bye Boston!

Once Amy arrived and we said goodbye to our families, we made it through security and I grabbed a slice of my signature airport food- Sbarro vegetable pizza.  Yum.  At 9:30, we boarded the plane, and it was off to Iceland!  Surprisingly, I slept through most of the flight.  I woke up to us flying into the sunrise, which was pretty cool and which I decided to view as a good omen for the trip.  Transferring to our next flight went smoothly, and we got to Copenhagen around 1:05pm.

Then it got a little interesting.

In my infinite wisdom, I neglected to double-check the schedule for the hotel's free shuttle from the airport.  As it turns out, it wouldn't be running for 3 more hours.  Oops.  Cabs are apparently wicked expensive, so we opted to walk.  The walk wouldn't have been a big deal, except Amy and I both were dragging 100+ lbs of luggage.  Consequently, we had to take ramps instead of using stairs, which made the simple task of crossing the pedestrian bridge across the highway a lot longer than it had to be.  After frequent breaks, usually at the end of every block, we finally made it to our hotel.  I'm positive I'm going to be unbelievably sore tomorrow, and my hands are raw from holding the suitcase handle.  If I had ever in my life lifted weights, this is how I imagine my hands would feel.  But let's be serious, pulling luggage is probably as close as I'm going to get.

After naps and minor meltdowns (forgot my computer charger, Apple in Copenhagen- please be close by!) we finally ventured out into the world to get some food.  We went with the pizza place next door, which seemed to be a safe bet.  It was a good find, and although I hadn't eaten for over 12 hours, I was actually functioning pretty well.  Anyone who knows me knows that I'm intolerable when hungry.

So, that's basically the story of my travels here.  Things should get more exciting tomorrow when we meet up with DIS, get settled into our housing, have a welcome dinner, etc.

ps: cards need a PIN number in Scandinavia?

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